Lucy Carr CounsellingWare, Hertfordshire

Covid 19 Information. Covid picture

Covid 19 information

In line with Government requirements, I have carried out a risk assessment and have procedures in place which allow me to continue to offer face to face counselling should this be something you would like to pursue. Alternatively i can offer on-line or telephone counselling should you prefer to use a remote option.

Below is a covid 19 agreement which I would ask us both to adhere to if you decide to proceed with face to face counselling, in order to protect us and our families as best we can. CURRENTLY NOT REQUIRED.

COVID AGREEMENT BETWEEN LUCY CARR AND…..........................................

1. Should the client…………………… or I (Lucy Carr) show any signs of illness in the 24 hour period prior to our session, we will re-schedule the session or use another means of contact such as video call or phone.
2. If the client or I, or someone else in your/my household have had Covid symptoms; fever, persistent cough, and/or loss of taste or smell in the last 14 days, we will inform one another and re-schedule the appointment or use a virtual forum.
3. If the client or I have had contact with someone diagnosed with Covid 19 or showing signs/symptoms of Covid in the last 14 days, we will inform one another and re-schedule the appointment or use a different format.
4. If the client or I have tested positive for Covid at any stage, we will inform one another and re-schedule our sessions or use a different format until you/I are 14 days symptom free or have had a negative Covid Test.
5. On arrival at the house, the Client will use hand sanitiser and wear a mask before leaving the car.
6. I will use hand sanitiser before and after each client session.
7. As the client approaches the door, I will open it and stand 2 metres away, allowing the client immediate access to the counselling room.
8. We will observe a 2 metre distance at all times. The client will be seated at the far end of the red sofa. I will be seated in the Green chair.
9. Both the client and I will wear face masks going into and leaving the session.
10. The client agrees that I am able to share their details with the NHS track and trace should either of us develop symptoms or test positive for Covid 19 either during or within 24 hours of leaving a session.
11. I will sanitise the counselling room between each client, allowing a minimum of 1 hour between clients.
12. I regret that for the foreseeable future, I will be unable to provide restroom facilities. Likewise, I request that clients bring their own tissues.
13. If either of us needs to self-isolate, you will be given the option to, move the session on line or re-schedule.
14. Should you need to cancel the session due to anything Covid 19 related, there will be not cost.
15. As there is no waiting area at the house, should you arrive early, I ask that you remain in your car until the scheduled time for our session.
16. I will at all times adhere to government guidance in order to try and keep us both safe. Should the requirement be that we have to take a break from Face to Face sessions, I will offer another means of continuing our work together either through video call or telephone contact. We can discuss whether you wish to transfer to one of these mediums or whether you wish to take a break until the restrictions are lifted. Ultimately the decision will be yours to make.

Signed……………………………………. Date………………...
Signed……………………………………. Date…………………

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